Medical Diagnostic Ultrasounds

Full Diagnostic Ultrasound Prices

Diagnostic services must be ordered by your primary care provider and may be covered by most major medical insurance carriers. The clinical indications acquired during the exam will be interpreted by our radiologist. The final report will be sent to your care provider.

Exam for Pregnancy:

Nuchal Translucency Screening (11-13 weeks) $175.00

An ultrasound is done between weeks 11-13.6 to measure the translucent area in the skin on the back of your baby’s neck, known as the nuchal fold. The test is usually performed between 11-13.6 weeks gestation and is used to screen for Down Syndrome, heart abnormalities and other anomalies. This is a screening exam, used to help you understand your risk of genetic complications with your pregnancy.

Level 1 Sonogram (Basic Fetal Anatomy Evaluation and follow up study) $175.00

Routine exam lasting between 15 to 20 minutes. Used to determine pregnancy dates, location of placenta, and check for birth defects.

Level 2 Sonogram (Complete Anatomical Survey) $275.00

A longer targeted exam that typically uses more advanced ultrasound equipment to gather a complete anatomical survey or to further investigate a suspected fetal abnormality.

Fetal Biophysical Profile (Fetal Well being Assessment) $250.00

A biophysical profile (BPP) test measures the health of your fetus during pregnancy. A A BPP is commonly done in the last trimester of pregnancy. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, your Doctor may order a BPP by 32 to 34 weeks or earlier.

Fetal Doppler Study $375.00

Doppler flow is a type of ultrasound that measures the flow of blood through a blood vessel. Waveforms of the blood flow are shown on the ultrasound screen. Doppler flow studies may be ordered to assess blood flow in the umbilical blood vein and arteries, fetal brain and fetal heart. A Doppler flow study is often used when a fetus is suspected to have an intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), which means the fetus is smaller than normal for his/her gestational age.

Cervical Length evaluation (Preterm Labor Symptoms Assessment) $175.00

If you have had a history of late miscarriages (in the second trimester) or premature births, you may be advised to have scans to measure the length of your cervix (neck of the womb), in future pregnancies. This is typically to look for early signs of the cervix opening before the baby is due. Cervical length scans may also be recommended if you are expecting twins or have had surgery to your cervix.

Exams for Men or Women:

Abdominal Complete Ultrasound $280.00, RUQ Ultrasound $175.00

Most abdominal aortic aneurysms produce no symptoms (they are asymptomatic). They are often incidentally discovered when abdominal ultrasounds and/or CT scan studies are ordered for other conditions. When they produce symptoms, the most common symptom is pain. The pain typically has a deep quality as if it is boring into the person. It is felt most prominently in the middle of the abdomen and can radiate to the back. The pain is usually steady but may be relieved by changing position. The person may also become aware of an abnormally prominent abdominal pulsation.

Renal Ultrasound $225.00 with Bladder $275.00

Renal Ultrasound also known as a Kidney Ultrasound is a safe and painless test that uses sound waves to make images of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located toward the back of the abdominal cavity, just above the waist. They remove waste products from the blood and produce urine.

Pelvic Ultrasound $200 Complete $275.00

The bladder, ovaries, uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes of a woman. The bladder, prostate gland, and seminal vesicles of a man. Organs and structures that are solid and uniform, like the uterus, ovaries, or prostate gland, or are fluid-filled, like the bladder, show up clearly on a pelvic ultrasound. Bones or air-filled organs, like the intestines, do not show up well on an ultrasound and may keep other organs from being seen clearly. Pelvic ultrasound can be done three ways: transabdominal, and transvaginal.

• Transabdominal ultrasound. A small handheld device called a transducer is passed back and forth over the lower belly. A transabdominal ultrasound is commonly done in women to look for large uterine fibroids or other problems.

• Transvaginal ultrasound. The transducer is shaped to fit into a woman's vagina. A woman may have both transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds to look at the whole pelvic area. A transvaginal ultrasound is done to look for problems with fertility. In rare cases, a hysterosonogram is done to look at the inside of the uterus by filling the uterus with fluid during a transvaginal ultrasound. Sometimes, a small sample of tissue (biopsy) may be taken with small tools inserted through the vagina during a transvaginal ultrasound. See ultrasound images of ovarian cysts.

Testicular Ultrasound $225.00

Ultrasound imaging of the scrotum is the primary imaging method used to evaluate disorders of the testicles. This study is typically used to help diagnose symptoms such as: 

- A mass in the scrotum felt by the patient or doctor. 

 - Trauma to the scrotal area.

- Testicular pain or swelling Ultrasound is also a valuable tool for evaluating the epididymis (a tube that collects sperm made by the testicles) and the prostate.

Prostate Ultrasound $225.00, 3D Prostate Ultrasound $275.00 Transrectal $425.00

•Transrectal ultrasound. The transducer is shaped to fit into the rectum. A transrectal ultrasound is the most common test to look at the male pelvic organs, such as the prostate and seminal vesicles.

Thyroid Ultrasound $150.00

An ultrasound of the thyroid produces a picture of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is located in front of the neck just below the Adam's apple and is shaped like a butterfly, with two lobes on either side of the neck connected by a narrow band of tissue. It is one of nine endocrine glands located throughout the body that make and send hormones into the bloodstream.

Vascular Ultrasounds:

Carotid Duplex: $175.00

Carotid duplex imaging is now recognized as the best non-invasive screening test for carotid artery stenosis. The evidence for its use as the sole diagnostic imaging modality prior to carotid endarterectomy is examined. Provided it is carried out by experienced trained operators using validated duplex criteria, carotid duplex imaging is safe, highly sensitive and specific, and superior to angiography at plaque characterization and evaluation of flow disturbance.

Lower Extremity Arterial Doppler $250.00

This test is the most common reason for Claudication (leg pain occurring with walking and relieved by rest). Severe leg pain occurring at rest and most notable while lying down. Non-healing leg, foot or toe sores. Weak or absent pulses. Cold feet and toes (vasospasm/Raynaud’s)

Upper Extremity Arterial Doppler $250.00

Indications for this exam are: Cold hands/fingers (vasospasm/Raynaud’s). Non-healing finger wounds. Hand or finger pain. Palmar arch assessment prior to radial artery harvesting for cardiac bypass surgery. Suspected digital embolization

Lower Extremity Venous Ultrasound Bi-lateral $200.00 Unilateral $150.00

The most common reason for a venous ultrasound exam is to search for blood clots, especially in the veins of the leg. This condition is often referred to as deep vein thrombosis or DVT. These clots may break off and pass into the lungs, where they can cause a dangerous condition called pulmonary embolism. If found in time, there are treatments that can prevent this from happening.

Upper Extremity Venous Ultrasound Bi-lateral $225.00 Unilateral $175.00

Indications: Arm pain. Acute or long-term arm swelling. Vein mapping prior to vascular or cardiac surgery. DVT (deep vein thrombosis)

Renal Duplex Ultrasound $425.00

The renal arteries provide blood flow to the kidneys. Renal artery disease, including narrowing (stenosis) due to atherosclerosis, can result in reduced blood-flow to the kidney. This can cause hypertension (high blood pressure). Renal artery stenosis is the most common correctable cause of hypertension. Long-standing, untreated renal artery disease is also an important cause of kidney failure. Renal artery disease cannot be diagnosed without specific tests. Renal artery duplex scanning is accurate, non-invasive and cost-effective. Unlike angiography or CT scanning, no injection of X-ray contrast material is required, avoiding the risk of kidney damage from the contrast.

Aortic Ultrasound $150.00

Indications: Suspected aortic aneurysm. Aortic aneurysm monitoring. Abdominal bruit turbulent noise heard in the neck with a stethoscope. Stent placement screening prior to endovascular repair

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